The Mobility bus network of London was first introduced as an effort to help the elderly and disabled (or both) around their local community. This network was once made up of over 100 bus routes and served many communities throughout London. Alas, this was not to last. With the introduction of dial a ride, mobility buses began to fade away. They kept on fading until the present day, where only three Mobility buses remain. The 931 (C
rystal Palace – Hillcrest Estate – Lewisham), 965 (Kingston-Tolworth-Riverhill) and 969 (Whitton-Richmond-Roehampton Vale). Below, are links to my website where Timetables of the past and the present are available for download, Free of Charge.
Here are some photos of the routes.
SDE1 YX08 MFO at Kingston Sainsbury's on the 965 (JP) |
SDE1 YX08 MFO at Kingston Sainsbury's on the 965 (JP) |
I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
All photos taken by me. To request one, send me a tweet
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